The FS FRANCE is also a way of highlighting the engineers who will shape the world of tomorrow. Today, find out more about Loïc Fabrizi, a student at École Centrale de Lyon and Formula Student France 2023 scrutineering judge.
1. Quick introduction
My name is Loïc FABRIZI, I’m 24 and I’m an engineering student at Ecole Centrale de Lyon. I’m currently a Double Degree Student in « Mechanical Engineering » at Politecnico di Milano .
2. Why did you go to engineering school? Did you want to be an engineer when you were a child, or did you take this direction later?
During my scholarity, I had abilities for Maths and Physics. Moreover, I always had curiosity for the different everyday objects and all the technologies that around us. It is quite at the last time that I chose to follow engineering studies.
3. Why did you join EPSA when you were studying at ECL?
I’ve discovered EPSA during my engineering school associations forum. I had been interested by motorsport for a long time. Therefore, I joined the project to learn by doing how to design and assembly a competition prototype.
4. Were you already interested in the world of industry and the car industry?
Yes. I’m interesed by automotive from high school. Later, I’ve discovered motorsport. As a competitor, I’ve been seduced by the association between sport and technology.
5. What does it mean to be a scrutineer? What does it involve?
Be a scrutineering judge consist in inspecting FS vehicles to check if they are rules compliant and make sure about their safety. To do so, we have numerous vehicle tests. During this first edition, we emphasized the safety to allow a maximum number of teams to compete while ensuring the safety of the competitors, judges and spectators. The scruteneering judges also bring technical feedbacks to the teams to help them improving their concepts.
6. Why volunteer for FSF 2023?
7. Have you taken part in other FS?
I’ve already participated to the Formula Student Germany 2021, the most renamed FS event. It was my first and only experience on a FS event but what an experience ! I had been in my FS team for a year and I discovered a big event, that features teams from all around the world and big companies, here to recruit the most talented students. Moreover, this year my team won the acceleration event in the combustion category.

8. What is your fondest memory of the FSF 2023?
I don’t have a best memory. I have best memories. It is each time the teams were able to path all the scruteeniring tests. It means for them that there will be able to compete on dynamic events. I know that it means a lot for them and that reward all their effort.
9. In your opinion, what is the point of getting involved in the FSF as a jury?
Personally, it is a great professional opportunity to develop my skills and to learn more about car design by discussing with the teams and the other judges. More generally, the FS FRANCE participate to the training of future engineers, so it is really gratifying to participate to such an initiative.
10. Are you ready for the summer 2024 edition?
I’m definitely ready ! This first edition was a success and I can’t wait to see this event growing.